Can You Be A Nurse If You’re An Introvert?
Are you an introvert? An introvert is someone who, for the most part, prefers their own company to anyone else’s. That doesn’t mean they don’t have any friends or aren’t able to interact with the wider world, but it does mean that they are more comfortable by...
How to Be Confident With Women (Introvert Tips)
Do you freeze up and feel awkward with women you like? Even though introverts are attractive and sexy as hell, you may not know how to be confident with women. People may tell you to just "be more confident", but they don't give you any meaningful steps to do...
Why You Can’t Establish Genuine Connections
Forming genuine, long-lasting friendships can be rare as an adult. You may feel like you can’t emotionally connect with anyone—let alone make deep, lasting friendships. Of course, it's not entirely your fault. We live in a society that makes it all too easy to...
Do Women Like Introverted Men?
Introverts or extroverts—who do women find more attractive? If you're an introverted man, you might feel like women are more drawn to gregarious types. You're left to wonder, do women like introverted men? When you imagine the "hot guy" that women flock to,...
8 Ways to Spend Christmas Alone
Alone on Christmas? You might be tempted to feel sorry for yourself. After all, Christmas is a loaded holiday. There are so many expectations, meanings and emotions attached to Christmas. Some people may think that spending Christmas by yourself is sad. I disagree!...
Dealing With Conflict as an Introvert: 7 Ways to Communicate Without Drama
Are you an introvert who hates conflict? There are a lot of us. Just like talking on the phone, hating conflict is a common characteristic of card-carrying introverts. I'm no different. Like many introverts, I hate the idea of rocking the boat. I prefer to avoid drama...
7 Simple Ways to Get Respect as an Introvert
Do you feel like you don't get enough respect? A lot of introverts feel underestimated and disrespected by colleagues and friends. Perhaps, at work you're interrupted and talked over in meetings. Your more extroverted coworker gets all the praise even though you have...
Why Introverts Need a Break From Life’s Many Stressors
About 33% of people report feeling extreme stress, and 73% of people have stress that impacts their mental health, according to The American Institute of Stress. Introverts who tend to also be highly sensitive can be especially prone to feelings of stress. Whether...
Too Busy to Date? How to Find the Time and Energy
The other day, a Facebook friend of mine posted about his Costco date with his wife. "Noting beats Costco pizza on date night!" #busyparents His post brought to light an epidemic that our society as been struggling with since long before COVID: busyness. Many...
Little Ways to Create Chemistry on a Date as an Introvert
Introverts can find it hard to truly connect on a date. Here are 5 ways to create chemistry.