How to Create an Empath Friendly Home

How to Create an Empath Friendly Home

If you’re an empath like me, you have highly attuned senses. You absorb the energies and emotions around you. As a deeply intuitive individual, you filter the world through your inner wisdom and feelings. These are all beautiful gifts that allow empaths to be wise...
3 Ways Introverts Can Find Mental Peace Now

3 Ways Introverts Can Find Mental Peace Now

If you’re an introvert who has a brain that never takes a break, it can be hard to find mental peace. Your mind latches onto worries and regrets and puts them on repeat like a broken record. Whether you’re ruminating over something you said five minutes ago, or...
How Introverts Can Stop Caring What Others Think

How Introverts Can Stop Caring What Others Think

If you’re an introvert who cares too much what others think. You’re not alone. A lot of my introvert readers and students come to me with deep-seated fears about disapproval and rejection from others. Caring what others think is normal. But there’s a point...
5 Everyday Habits That Kill Self-Love for Introverts

5 Everyday Habits That Kill Self-Love for Introverts

Do you find it hard to love yourself consistently? Self-love is easy when things are going well and you’re fulfilling all the ‘shoulds’ in life. But when the storm clouds come and you’re struggling with overwhelm, failure, and dark moods, self-love...
6 Ways Introverts Sabotage Their Happiness

6 Ways Introverts Sabotage Their Happiness

There are a lot of ways that introverts might sabotage our own happiness. Why would we do this? Well, at the root of the problem is a lack of self-love. When we don’t love ourselves, we start to treat ourselves as the enemy.  What do you do, or want to do to...