How Introverts Can Be Funny in Conversation

How Introverts Can Be Funny in Conversation

This time of year, introverts everywhere are suffering through boring conversations at events we didn’t really want to go to in the first place. The natural introvert inclination is to try to escape lame conversations. Either that or shut down and zone out. But...
An Introvert Gets Out of Her Comfort Zone

An Introvert Gets Out of Her Comfort Zone

As a fellow introvert, you’ve probably heard plenty of people tell you that you need to get out of your comfort zone. This is annoying, to say the least. Especially because the people who try to poke and prod you out of your comfort zone don’t really know you. They...
Why INFJs Don’t Like The Holidays

Why INFJs Don’t Like The Holidays

The holiday season is an extremely difficult period for INFJs. Many of us dread this time of the year, not because we hate it, but because it can be an eerie reminder of our loneliness and lack of meaningful connections. All those pictures of happy gatherings on...
An Introvert’s Biggest Conversation Pet Peeve

An Introvert’s Biggest Conversation Pet Peeve

I’m lazy as a piglet in mud today. Still in pjs, but somehow motivating myself to write this post for the greater good of all introvertkind. You see, today I’m talking about a personal pet peeve that I know most introverts will be all too familiar with. THIS is what’s...
An Introvert’s Guide to Office Parties

An Introvert’s Guide to Office Parties

The holidays can be tough for introverts. One big reason for our struggles is the endless holiday parties. Some we avoid, others we just can’t get out of. The office holiday party is planted firmly in the ‘must attend even if we really don’t want...