8 Stages of Awkward When You Run Into Someone You Know

8 Stages of Awkward When You Run Into Someone You Know

Have you ever bumped into someone you know at the worst possible time? For introverts, this scenario can be pretty awkward. The thing is, we introverts like to mentally prepare before socializing. We’re not always ‘on’, as many extroverts tend to be. If we’re not...
For Introverts Who Push Love Away

For Introverts Who Push Love Away

I hear from a lot of introvert readers who say that they struggle to allow in love. I’m not just talking about romantic love. Many introverts find it hard to let any kind of love in, even from friends and family. After all, when introverts are stressed or feeling down...
An Introvert Gets Into The Holiday Spirits

An Introvert Gets Into The Holiday Spirits

This little introvert comic by Zora Jeong makes me LOL. People always associate the holidays with parties and non-stop socializing. But for introverts, some of the most blissful moments of the holidays are spent alone, cozy in our home. Rarely bored alone, we find...
Reasons To Travel Alone, Even If It’s Terrifying

Reasons To Travel Alone, Even If It’s Terrifying

Until the age of twenty-four, I had only vacationed with family or friends. The thought of ever traveling on my own terrified me. I was scared of missing flights and getting lost. I was even scared that I wouldn’t make the most of it, and that would somehow constitute...
4 Key Reasons Why INFJs are Perfectionists

4 Key Reasons Why INFJs are Perfectionists

All INFJs are perfectionists. Like a persistent shadow, perfectionism makes the INFJ personality feel as if we always have to create an incredible result in everything we do. This isn’t necessarily bad, but combine INFJ perfectionism with our need to make a difference...