INTP Personality: The Inventive Logician

INTP Personality: The Inventive Logician

The INTP personality type is very rare, making up only 3% of the population. This is however a good thing for them, because they like to draw and think outside the lines. Their intellect and keen sense of understanding makes them ideal inventors. The level of logic...
ISTP Personality – The Crafter Explained

ISTP Personality – The Crafter Explained

“If the rules only get in the way, then the rules must change” – these words are fundamental to the ISTP personality. ISTP personality types like to stimulate our senses. We also tend to take risks and bend, or even break, the rules. Have you ever been in...
ISFP Personality Type: The Sensual Artist

ISFP Personality Type: The Sensual Artist

The ISFP personality type, which makes up about 9% of the population, relates to the world through the senses.  Their sensory approach to life drives their hobbies, career choices and relationships. But not in the way you might think. The present moment is an...
INFP Personality Type: Convention is My Poison

INFP Personality Type: Convention is My Poison

I’m an INFP personality type. Conventional paths in life don’t satisfy me. Never have. It feels like my entire life has been a mission to find one thing or another. First, I had to discover who I was (an introverted idealist with a powerful creative streak). Next, I...
How To Be An INFJ

How To Be An INFJ

The INFJ personality is the rarest Myers-Briggs type. These unique butterflies comprise only 1% of the world’s population. Even to Carl Jung, who is widely considered to be the founder of the personality examination, INFJs are the “mysterious ones”. Few understand the...
3 Reasons INFJs Are Amazing Conversationalists

3 Reasons INFJs Are Amazing Conversationalists

INFJs are often mistaken for being “cold.” It can be frustrating, because that’s not how we feel at all! INFJs are incredibly emotional. And in fact we love being with people. We just get lost in our thoughts. INFJs are constantly analyzing. Even during casual...