The Art Of The Introvert Retreat

The Art Of The Introvert Retreat

Being an introvert in an extrovert’s world is exhausting. It feels a lot like running through thick mud. The faster we try to go, the more stuck we get. Before we know it, we’re knee deep in the brown stuff with no escape in sight. Ironically, one of the most...
The Ultimate Introvert’s Dilemma In Relationships

The Ultimate Introvert’s Dilemma In Relationships

The two most common fears people have in relationships are engulfment and abandonment. Usually, it is one or the other. We fear being swallowed up by another, dissolving into the relationship. Or we fear the opposite. We are terrified of being left behind. The...
6 Signs You’re An Extroverted Introvert

6 Signs You’re An Extroverted Introvert

If you’re an extroverted introvert like me, you know how confusing this is for people. Everyone expects an introvert to be shy and reclusive. And we can be, but extroverted introverts also like to get out there and mix ‘n mingle. When we’re “on”, we are...
Introvert: Is Your Extrovert Making You Sick?

Introvert: Is Your Extrovert Making You Sick?

Many introverts find fun and friendship in the company of extroverts. We have extroverted family members, colleagues, friends and partners. We might love the extroverts in our lives – or at the very least, lovingly tolerate them. As much as we appreciate our...
The Best Job For An Introvert

The Best Job For An Introvert

I’m often asked “what is the best job for an introvert?” To answer that, let’s begin with what is NOT the best job for an introvert: Wanted: Outgoing multitasker with superior communication skills, a team attitude and a love for working with people. The ideal...
STAGE FRIGHT! Can Introverts Handle The Spotlight?

STAGE FRIGHT! Can Introverts Handle The Spotlight?

Most people believe that introverts only feel comfortable in our shells. They think that the spotlight is reserved for outgoing extroverts who can handle having all eyes on them. “Of course, extroverts would make better public speakers, actors, comedians, and...