Read this if you feel tired to the bone

Read this if you feel tired to the bone

This is one of the most frustrating aspects of being an introvert. Oftentimes, you want to do so much more than your energy allows. Tiredness becomes your default state as you struggle with limited introvert energy and a constant war with overwhelm. Then you start to...
How to Deal With Social Overwhelm

How to Deal With Social Overwhelm

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed while socializing that you just wanted to run and hide? A lot of introverts struggle with social overwhelm, especially during this time of year when there is so much going on. Trust me when I say that I am painfully familiar with this...
I don’t want to talk to you…except when I do

I don’t want to talk to you…except when I do

Dear Innie Friend, Oh, I’m tired today! I have been in Puerto Vallarta for about ten days now, and I spent the first week doing and seeing so much. As an introvert, I tend to be like a social camel, storing up energy and then spending it all at once. I don’t really...
Introvert: Closed for Mental Repairs

Introvert: Closed for Mental Repairs

Do you ever feel like you are mentally and emotionally done and done, with a side of done? If you’re a sensitive introvert like me, I have a feeling that you’ve experienced mental burnout more than once. And you know it ain’t pretty. As introverts, we’re easily...
How to Master the Art of Being Alone

How to Master the Art of Being Alone

A lot of people fear being alone. Introverts, on the other hand love it … except when we don’t. The truth is that there is an art to being alone, and sometimes even introverts miss the mark. You can’t blame us. There are so many ways that society makes it hard for...
Ode To The Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO)

Ode To The Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO)

The Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO) is something every introvert can appreciate. While extroverts are driven by their Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO), introverts see things differently. We don’t see missing out as a bad thing. After a long week of going out and getting our...