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INFJ: I Don’t Get Angry, I Withdraw
Deep emotions are the foundation of the INFJ personality. They don’t just define us, but also shape our relationships, and even encounters with strangers. You can never tell us not to be so emotional, because that’s not who we are. If you ever see an INFJ being...

4 Reasons Friendship With an INFJ is Priceless
As introverts, we have a deep desire to have meaningful connections. But as INFJs, we take the meaning of friendship to a whole new level. There’s a reason why people see you as a shoulder to cry on, and why everyone tells you their deepest, darkest secrets. INFJs are...

Why INFJs Can See Through Your Lies
If you’re an INFJ like me, then you probably know how much we hate lies. If there’s something that completely throws us off balance, it’s when someone doesn’t speak the truth. INFJs can put up with a lot of crap, but lying is where we draw the line. Why INFJs hate...

INFJ: I Overthink, But I Also Over-Love
INFJs are champions of overthinking. No matter the situation, we’ll overthink and analyze it. It’s impossible for us to stop thinking and shut down. However, INFJs are also gold medalists at over-loving. INFJ love is deep and intense. There’s no middle ground for the...