10 Things an Introvert Wishes She’d Known Sooner

10 Things an Introvert Wishes She’d Known Sooner

The introverts of our generation have been led astray in many ways. There are about a bazillion (approximately) things the average introvert coulda-shoulda-woulda done differently if we weren’t raised in such an extrovert obsessed culture. In fact, one of the comments...
Why Lunchtime Sucks For Introverts

Why Lunchtime Sucks For Introverts

Lunch hour is often the most dreaded time of day for introverts. Contrary to what you might think, our secret lunchtime anxieties have nothing to do with food. See if this scenario sounds familiar: It’s break time at the office, which means you have one hour to chow...
Top 10 Books For Introverts

Top 10 Books For Introverts

Welcome to my detailed list of the top books for introverts! If you’re an introverted book lover like me, you know the anguish of not having anything good to read. A lack of good books can be especially painful during lazy summer days, when all you want to do is sit...