Shy Around Men? 3 Quiet Ways to Connect With His Heart

Shy Around Men? 3 Quiet Ways to Connect With His Heart

Have you ever felt so shy around men you liked that you avoided them altogether? Maybe you felt so awkward and self-conscious that talking to a particular man felt painful. It hurt like crazy because your interactions with this special guy went so differently than how...

How Can an Introvert Get a Date?

If you’ve read my post about flirtation, you are already well positioned to get a date.   The next thing you have to do is actually ask someone out.  Before I answer the question “how can an introvert can get a date?”, I want to talk a bit more about...
Dating Advice for Introverts: Attraction

Dating Advice for Introverts: Attraction

  Dating and relationships week continues with this second instalment in the Dating Advice For Introverts series. The search for love and companionship can be both frustrating and exhilarating.  If you are feeling much more of the former than the latter, don’t...
Dating Advice for Introverts: The Questions

Dating Advice for Introverts: The Questions

  Is it more difficult for introverts to meet that special someone? The other day, I asked my Facebook and Twitter followers this very question.  “Yes!” was the resounding response. For this reason, I’ve decided to share the best dating advice for introverts in a...