Famous Introvert Marries After 65 Years Single

Famous Introvert Marries After 65 Years Single

If you’ve ever felt like giving up on love, because you’ve tried “everything” and you’re just TIRED— I know how frustrating this can be. You might be approaching or well past those landmark birthdays—30,40, 50—that seem to shout “IT’S TOO LATE!” Today, I’m here to...
STAGE FRIGHT! Can Introverts Handle The Spotlight?

STAGE FRIGHT! Can Introverts Handle The Spotlight?

Most people believe that introverts only feel comfortable in our shells. They think that the spotlight is reserved for outgoing extroverts who can handle having all eyes on them. “Of course, extroverts would make better public speakers, actors, comedians, and...
Famous Introvert Artist Quotes

Famous Introvert Artist Quotes

I hope you enjoyed my lil’ visual collection of introvert artist quotes. As you can see, I include musicians, poets, writers, and visual artists in my definition of ‘introvert artist’.  I have also posted these photos on my Pinterest, if you’d...
Setting the record straight about introversion

Setting the record straight about introversion

Most introverts are accustomed to others making incorrect assumptions about what introversion actually is.  When we tell people that we are introverted, we often hear things like: “Oh, so you’re shy?” Nope. “But if you’re an introvert, shouldn’t you be at home by...

Famous Introverts

Tabloids make a lot of money proving the humanness of celebrities.  Our culture loves to find evidence that even the rich and famous are a little bit like us (celebrities take out their own garbage? Me too!).  We are delighted by the revelation that even famous people...