Why HSPs Are Prone to Autumn Anxiety

Why HSPs Are Prone to Autumn Anxiety

Autumn is a time of changing colors and diminishing sunlight. For many people, it can also bring a change in mood. If you’re a highly sensitive person (HSP) like me, then you may be especially prone to something called “autumn anxiety”. According to psychologist Dr....
6 Ways to Cope With Empath Overwhelm

6 Ways to Cope With Empath Overwhelm

If you’re an empath like me, you know that the struggle against overwhelm is real. Empath overwhelm leads many a sensitive soul to feel chronically burnt out to the point where we just want to turn off all the lights and curl up into a ball. Some of us have gotten...
Struggles Every Highly Sensitive Man Will Understand

Struggles Every Highly Sensitive Man Will Understand

It’s not easy being a highly sensitive man. The modern world teaches men that showing emotions and tears is a weakness. If you get emotional in front of someone, you are labeled as weird and weak. I should know. High expectations for a highly sensitive man I grew up...
Why Highly Sensitive People Overthink So Much

Why Highly Sensitive People Overthink So Much

Do you overthink decisions? Highly sensitive people have a tendency to overthink in a way not everyone understands. Overthinking can make us anxious and self-critical when we feel like we just can’t turn it off. That’s how I’ve felt most of my life. I can’t tell you...