An Introvert’s Happy Place

An Introvert’s Happy Place

I’m writing to you from some place special today. It’s a place that is near and dear to my heart. I’m curled up in a blanket with a hot mug of herbal tea in hand, the ocean within view, and my writing apparatus at my fingertips. In other words, I’m in my happy place....
How To Quiet The Introvert Mind

How To Quiet The Introvert Mind

Do you ever wish your brain had an off switch? As an introvert, you’re more likely to have a loud mind than a loud mouth. Your brain is always buzzing with ideas, daydreams and whatever else your overly active imagination decides to churn out. Sometimes, your mind...

Introvert Biology and Behavior

  By now, most of us are familiar with the typical introvert traits.  Introverts are likely to spend more time thinking than talking.  We avoid crowds and seek quiet.  At times we zone out when we are tired or in a large group.  These are all common introvert...