For Introverts Who Feel Misunderstood

For Introverts Who Feel Misunderstood

Most introverts struggle with feeling misunderstood. Others misinterpret our quietness as a sign that we’re snobby, sad, angry, or boring. They may also underestimate our intelligence. It’s not your fault When you’re an introvert who thinks and feels deeply,...
Are you an introverted seeker?

Are you an introverted seeker?

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. – Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken A seeker is someone who chooses the path of self discovery and constant growth in life. For introverts, the seeker’s...
For Introverts Who Are Underestimated

For Introverts Who Are Underestimated

  Have you ever felt underestimated because of your introversion?  I know that I have, and I’m pretty sure most other innies have as well. For some reason, our culture has learned to associate quietness with weakness, or even stupidity.  We’re told...