by Michaela | Jan 15, 2020 |
Can I share a secret pet peeve with you? It has to do with a common misconception people have about introversion. This misconception goes beyond the usual “introversion means shy.” Before I share what it is, I’ll tell you why this particular fallacy irks me so much....
by Michaela | Sep 5, 2018 |
Introverts are unassuming observers who understand deeply, but rarely feel understood. This is annoying, to say the least. It sucks to feel like the puzzle no one will ever solve. Most people don’t even bother trying. But there is hope. Over the past few years,...
by Michaela | Dec 28, 2015 |
I do this really annoying thing whenever someone asks me how old I am. I say, “I’m ageless”. It’s my cheeky way of avoiding the question. It has nothing to do with what they think of me, and everything to do with how I think of myself. I want to forget my age, and all...
by Michaela | Jul 13, 2014 |
Most introverts are accustomed to others making incorrect assumptions about what introversion actually is. When we tell people that we are introverted, we often hear things like: “Oh, so you’re shy?” Nope. “But if you’re an introvert, shouldn’t you be at home by...
by Michaela | Jul 1, 2014 |
One of the most frustrating introvert problems we innies face is the constant struggle against unflattering introvert myths and stereotypes. Many people still believe that all introverts are shy, anti-social, socially inept and even unattractive. Inferior...