Top 5 Activities That Are Better Done Alone

Top 5 Activities That Are Better Done Alone

As introverts, we have a definite need for solitude. Our alone time helps us to feel good and energized. Unfortunately, many of us waste too much of our precious alone time worrying that we should be more social. We also might feel like certain activities we want to...
Why Alone Doesn’t Have To Mean Lonely

Why Alone Doesn’t Have To Mean Lonely

  The cultural ideal of extroversion, according to The Guardian, is evident in Western society. This includes every setting from school, where students are “repeatedly encouraged to join group activities, even if they would prefer not to,” to later...
How to find your happy in a world full of noise

How to find your happy in a world full of noise

The following is a guest post by introvert travel blogger Chris Cavallari, creator of Part Time Vagabond. Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of...