extroverts introverts

We’re always talking about how it’s hard for extroverts to understand introverts. But let’s face it, some things that extroverts do can be pretty perplexing. Let’s explore a few of them, shall we?

 Of course, this isn’t all extroverts, but every introvert has encountered plenty of extroverts who share these perplexing qualities.

1. Oversharing

Now this is a big one. Introverts don’t get how some extroverts can have so much to say about the most mundane topics. I first noticed this as an introverted teen. The popular girls were always talking stream of consciousness style with no filter. Their algorithm for interesting conversation was a complete mystery to me.

Topics ranged from boys, to beauty, to the special care instructions for their new naval rings (Brittany Spears had just come on the scene in all her naval baring glory). To me, many of the details they divulged seemed like overkill.

For instance, one girl might share the step-by-step process of her latest hair removal experience. “It’s, like, this thick cream, and I dunno, you just, like, spread it on really thick and leave it for a while. It really stinks, but it lasts longer than shaving. You know what I mean?”

I knew what she meant, but I couldn’t understand how a detailed description of hair removal was appropriate lunchtime conversation. Still don’t.

2. Travelling in packs

Why do some extroverts always have to make it a group thing? More is not always merrier. I know this for a fact. Part of me gets the desire to have your peeps around you. It’s nice to feel the animal warmth of your family and dear friends.

But a lot of extroverts take it to the extreme. They go to the bathroom in pairs, movies in groups of four or five, pub crawls in slobbering packs of ten or more. Toddlers can poop, and crawl and sit in front of a screen by themselves. Why can’t extroverts?

3. The open door policy

“Come on in, anytime, my door is always open!” Said no introvert ever. The open door policy was created by and for people-pleasing extroverts who can’t stand being alone.

I can understand keeping the door open sometimes. But all the time? I’d rather not spend my days knowing that at any moment someone could barrel into my office like a bulldozer, and demolish my train of thought. No, the door is open between 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm on weekdays. If you need me outside those hours, send me an email, and I will promptly ignore it.

said no introvert ever

4. Packing their social calendar

I don’t understand the extrovert’s incessant need to be doing things all the time. They try to explain it to me with catchy acronyms, like YOLO (“you only live once”)  and FOMO (“fear of missing out”), but I don’t buy it.  I already feel like I’ve lived many lives, like a cat. Sometimes I just want to stay in, lie around, lick my wounds for a while.

To get a little philosophical, we are never really doing nothing. We are always thinking, or dreaming, or resting our mind from thinking and dreaming (a.k.a meditating). I’m much more afraid of missing out on those things than missing a few stupid parties.

i did a thing yesterday

5. Theme parks

This one I just don’t get. I’ve gone to my fair share of amusement parks, and expos, mostly because that’s the ‘fun’ thing to do in your youth. All my extroverted friends were practically peeing their pants with excitement at these places (one of them did, in fact, pee her pants, after a turn on the  Hypercoaster).

But to the average introvert, theme parks are an expensive form of punishment. You line up and wait to buy tokens or paper tickets, or whatever, and then you line up and wait to have the shit scared out of you. Again and again and again. All the while, you are jostled by crowds of people, and overwhelmed by the scent of cotton candy mingled with sweat. Only an extrovert would be insane enough to enjoy such torture.

6. The more is more mindset

Bigger is better! Go big or go home! Supersize me, baby! These are household phrases that appeal to extroverted households.  The quest for more – more things, more entertainment, more stimulation – is very much an extrovert’s pursuit.

Even though we don’t fully understand it, we introverts can easily get sucked in by the extrovert’s more is more mentality. If there weren’t so much pressure to acquire and consume, most introverts would be happy to live with less. As long as we have our books, our imagination, and a wide slice of solitude, we’re content.

I’m sure there are many more things about extroverts that introverts don’t understand. For now, I think I’ve ranted enough. Now, it’s your turn.

Over to you

I’d love to hear what you’ll never understand about extroverts.

Also, please do share if you have any experiences or insights related to what I’ve written.

You can write your comments below. ?

