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INFJ Self-Care: Why You Put Yourself Last

INFJ Self-Care: Why You Put Yourself Last

INFJ self-care is a hot topic these days, and for good reason. If there’s one thing INFJs struggle with, it’s this: putting ourselves first - or even second, or third, for that matter. We care for others all the time, You won’t find a more supportive friend, and...

The Top 5 Ways To Annoy An INFJ

The Top 5 Ways To Annoy An INFJ

INFJs are not easy to annoy. We are peaceful by default and natural born diplomats. Our tolerance levels are off the charts … most of the time. Even though INFJs can put up with a lot, some annoying moments can utterly overwhelm us. Our pet peeves are especially...

Why INFJs Love The Rain So Much

Why INFJs Love The Rain So Much

I'm an INFJ, and as long as I can remember, rain was always a source of inspiration for me. It makes me feel calm, relaxed, and happy. It turns out that I'm not the only INFJ who feels this way. There are many reasons why our INFJ personality is drawn to rain. I think...