5 Steps For Healthy Habits in Self-Isolation

5 Steps For Healthy Habits in Self-Isolation

If you feel like you’ve been struggling to stick to healthy habits during self-isolation, you’re not alone. It’s hard enough trying to maintain habits like exercise, eating right, and journalling when the world hasn’t turned upside down. Many of us have had our...
7 Ways Introverts Can Be Happier at Home

7 Ways Introverts Can Be Happier at Home

Navigating work, family, and a social life is particularly draining for those of us who are introverted. After a long day coming home should be relaxing for our bodies and souls but for many of us, the mess and chaos of our homes can instead cause additional stress in...
5 Everyday Habits That Kill Self-Love for Introverts

5 Everyday Habits That Kill Self-Love for Introverts

Do you find it hard to love yourself consistently? Self-love is easy when things are going well and you’re fulfilling all the ‘shoulds’ in life. But when the storm clouds come and you’re struggling with overwhelm, failure, and dark moods, self-love...
Feeling Down? 10 Ways Introverts Can Be Happier

Feeling Down? 10 Ways Introverts Can Be Happier

Have you been feeling down lately? You’re not alone. A lot of us introverts have a tendency toward melancholy. It’s not that we can’t be as happy as extroverts. But sometimes our busy, overthinking brain makes it difficult. Because guess what. We introverts are...