by Marko | Sep 11, 2017 |
I’m an eternal optimist and a fierce defender of everything the INFJ personality represents. As a professional coach focused on INFJs, it’s my job and calling to see that hidden potential you have, and to show you how to let it out without guilt. But the term “INFJ...
by Michaela | Sep 7, 2017 |
Whenever I tell people I’m going on an introvert retreat, I usually get a response like this: “Umm … so what are you gonna do? Stare at each other in silence?” To which I scoff, “introverts can be sociable and adventurous! We just like to do things on our...
by Michaela | Aug 24, 2017 |
It hurts my heart to think about it, but there are many depressed introverts out there. You could chalk this up to a lot of things: negative feedback from a young age from people who don’t understand our quiet ways a tendency toward isolation, which leads to a lack of...
by Michaela | Aug 23, 2017 |
How do you make an introvert fall in love? If you’re reading this article, you might already know that it’s not so straightforward. Introverts are an anomaly to many because we don’t wear our emotions on our sleeve. We keep our greatest treasures...
by Michaela | Aug 15, 2017 |
Do you ever feel so lonely it hurts? Feeling lonely as an introvert is especially frustrating because we want and need our alone time. We like spending time solo, but we have our limits. There comes a point when we feel isolated. We want to connect, but there’s...
by Michaela | Aug 10, 2017 |
Are you a highly sensitive person? If so, I’ve got your back because today I’m sharing 7 daily habits to cope and thrive as a highly sensitive person (HSP). Before I do, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about what exactly an HSP is. When you’re highly...